Sunday, August 31, 2008

Another Another Gay Movie

After being booked with my first week back to school (eh, get it? Book…school…ehhh), I thought it would be good to celebrate the 3 R’s with the 3 B’s: booze, bitches, and boys (comma naked).

After sitting around, thinking of what to do, I received a text from a friend, like an edict from the gay gods, telling me I would be finding the bounty I sought if I went to see a movie. Not just any movie, though: Todd Steven’s Another Gay Sequel (which is the aptly named sequel to Another Gay Movie).

The media blitz (read: what I saw in HX) had apparently brought out many cinemaphiles out to the premier. After seeing the first movie and hearing about the problems with shooting the film (3/4 of the original cast had left the film), I wasn’t jumping at getting a ticket for the movie like everyone else. Which was a problem, as when I did go buy a ticket, I found it to be sold it.

Fate, however, wasn’t going to allow me to get out of it so easily, and my friend Eric presented me with an extra ticket. The gay gods had spoken.

We made our way into the theater, and saw that it was indeed sold out. However, my friend Andy had saved us a few seats, so we planted our asses thusly so. And after having a nip from my friend’s flask (booze!), I was ready to watch the movie. The seat I decided to set my feet on belonged to none other than Barbie-doppelganger Amanda Lepore (bitches!), who explained to me that she was in the cast. Sounded star-studded to me.

As the movie began, we were treated to two boys fucking right on the screen (boys comma naked!). Now I was ready for AGS. And it turned out to be way better than the first movie, and I liked it!
I won’t give too much of the movie away, but there is a fantastic puke scene, and wonderful performances by Scott Thompson, Perez Hilton (surprising, I know), and Dirty Sanchez (you’ll see).

Jake Mosser(Andy), Dir. Todd Stevens, and Aaron Michael Davies (Griff)

Part of the other reason I was summoned to this premiere was also because I’m well acquainted with Todd Stevens (read that as you will). So, being friends with him, I was invited to the after party. We made our way to the Chelsea Hotel where the party was being held (I had the best AND worst sex of my life in that hotel). Some of the cast was there, excitingly. After a few drinks, I gathered the courage to “try my luck” with Jake Mosser (so we share a name, what else I wonder), who played Andy.

Upon approaching him, I congratulated him and made some small talk, as you would with anyone you want to see naked. As I was about to show him what I wanted to do with him using my finger, a girl walked up and grabbed his hand. If I didn’t doubt it then, it was their tongues touching that made me sure I wasn’t going to get him in my bed tonight.

And so, I had to find other things to do with my hand.

1 comment:

Shemale Cam said...

Sounds like a fun movie to watch