Friday, March 02, 2007

Just Spotted!

Recent divorceé and fag hag institution Reese Witherspoon, walking on Houston St., between Mott and Elizabeth in NoLiTa. Girlfriend was looking fierce, hiding behind huge black shades and a ginormous trench coat that all but buried her.
Not sure if the surprisingly slimmer starlet was in our 'hood checking out some Tori Burch clutches or chowing down them classic, I-need-dental-floss-right-now Cafe Habana grilled corns. Either way, poor Reese, donning the black and somber outfit, was probably still mourning the oh-so-shocking discovery that Ryan was a fag after all. (How many straight men do you know perch their lips like that, Reese?). It's ok, bitch, all hags have to go through the "I've dated a closet case" phase at some point for credibility sake. Now you know!

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