Monday, June 25, 2007

Flag Day in Hudson!

by Diego

Hudson, N.Y., population 1,000 or whatever, may not have a Gay Pride parade, but they sure have Flag Day! The event is the culmination of all things "small town": lots of cheap, bad food; absurdly high concentration of overweight folks; church-sponsored floats!; bank-sponsored floats!; intense clapping at anything remotely American -- but also a high concentration of HOT super STRAIGHT MEN. Men so straight they can barely walk and talk, they can barely fit their masculinities inside their bodies.

Check out the video of the parade the Big Gay Apple shot a couple weeks ago. Pay special attention to the little children (specially the dyke-in-training baby with the grumpy face and the little girl showing her panties) and the ending part -- a plethora of slow motion close ups of Hudson's finest straight hunks!

For more on Hudson, check out the town's only virtual gay escape at

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