Thursday, April 19, 2007

My Hag Splits My Porn Bill and Yours Doesn't

by Diego

Okay, I've got to give props to my fag hag. She is the ultimate altruistic hag. We've always shared everything; from nail polish to bisexual thugs from the Bronx. And very rarely does it become a problem. The newest addition to the list of things we share is my Brazilian porn bill.

The great thing about checking out porn sites owned by 3rd world country entrepreneurial pervs is that 1) Guys are hotter 2) Membership is cheaper 3) They eat pussy out of sheer pleasure, not duty. There are some drawbacks. Their server can be inexplicably down for a couple of days and they rarely uploaded new stuff. Still, Brazilian porn is Brazilian porn. Even their "mild" videos look like gang-rapes. That's just the way they think of sex: an opportunity for men to humiliate women/or fags (they don't discriminate, as long as you squeal like a bitch -- even hens and piggies are fair game, sources tell me).

I discovered this site called Tufos (which means "tufts of pubic hair" in Portuguese -- go figure), and have been addicted ever since. So I told my hag about it and shared my password info. She quickly became as addicted as me. Being the giving hag that she is, she thought it would be fair to send me a check in the mail for half of my monthly membership. The only thing is that we can't both be on the site at the same time. Which is fine, she's always been a "let me finger myself right before I go to sleep" kind of girl, while I tend to do it first thing in the morning (you know, to get it out of the way.)

The inconvenient thing about Tufos is that you have to download their videos onto your desktop before you view them. They also promise you dozens of "attractions" (rape scenes, bar in the slums orgies, yellow bus gangbangs), but only a portion of them are Brazilian. Some feature American actors and are, thefore, pretty boring. The difference between Brazilian porn and American porn is that in the American videos sex seems like a transaction: you can almost see the dollar signs glowing in the peroxide vaginas. But in Brazilian pornos, it feels like you are a fly on the wall gazing at a daily occurrence: ripped dark-skinned thug raping the fuck out of a piece of ass that suited his fancy. It feels natural, not insipid; organic, not over the top; real, not manufactured.

So the hag and I started psychonalyzing their differences, because we also share takes on Foucault and Freudian theories between blow jobs.

For more Diego click here.

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